Our Story

Katy and Tim Landuyt’s children, Ryne and Sophie, have had an undeniable connection since the very beginning. Both Ryne and Sophie were conceived through IVF treatments. Throughout the treatments for Sophie, Ryne played a large role in supporting Katy each night with shots. It was “Operation Make Ryne a Big Brother” but little did the family know then what the relationship would look like between Ry and Soph.

Sophie was born at 24 weeks on September 16th, 2022, and died on her one-month birthday, October 16th. Ryne was able to meet his baby sister for a brief time in her NICU apartment on October 12th, which would be the only time the family of four was physically in the same room.

Ryne has continued to play a large role in Sophie’s legacy as he exemplifies his love and remembrance of his sister daily. Ryne is found gazing into the sky, looking for sunsets and singing about the stars. Through his love for his sister and his newfound love for the clouds, the nonprofit name was born.